Volume 11 Issue 2, June 2019

Varieties of Integrated-Skills Instruction

Gordon Myskow, Kanda University of International Studies; Aiko Minematsu, Sophia University; Taron Plaza, Komazawa Women’s University; Jonathan Andreano, Kaichi Nihonbashi Gakuen Junior and Senior High School


Like other ESL/EFL buzzwords such as Content-Based Instruction (CBI) and Task-based Learning (TBL), Integrated-skills Instruction is a popular catchphrase that encompasses a range of classroom practices. However, unlike these other terms that have much literature devoted to them, there has been far less discussion of the varieties of integrated-skills instruction. On the one hand, this is unsurprising. Skills-integration is probably best thought of not as an instructional approach in itself, but a corollary or byproduct of other approaches such as CBI and TBL that take principles other than the mastery of discrete skills as their instructional entry point (see Oxford, 2001). On the other hand, considering the ubiquity of the term and its use among practitioners, course designers, and textbook publishers, it is worthwhile digging deeper into the concept to gain a clearer understanding of its attributes and applications. This paper aims to bring greater clarity to the term by proposing the following distinctions: global/local and strong/weak skills integration. To illustrate them, the authors present syllabi and classroom activities from university, secondary, and elementary school contexts in Japan.

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Facilitating Revision Skill in L2 Writing Instruction: The Roles of Teacher and Peer Feedback

Sachiko Igarashi, Koka Gakuen Junior and Senior High School for Girls, Tokyo


This paper seeks to investigate the roles of teacher and peer feedback that will facilitate revision in L2 writing instruction. Research suggests that revision is regarded as a vital stage of the entire process of writing and plays a key role to prompt L2 acquisition. Given this, writing teachers or researches have raised a growing concern about the use of teacher commentary and peer response for effective L2 learner revision. Although feedback differs in terms of types, approaches, effectiveness, goals or other aspects, it is extremely important that writing teachers make most use of teacher and peer feedback with a critical, analytical and evaluative view and sufficient understanding of the features for each feedback. The paper concludes that L2 learners will be able to foster self-revision skills and build their own autonomy in writing with the support of feedback during the interim phase of developing L2 writing skills.

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Motivation, Self-Confidence, and Anxiety in English Language Learning: Indonesian and Thai Students’ Perspectives

Listyani, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia; Noparat Tananuraksakul, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, Thailand


Second language learners often find obstacles in their journey to reach target-language competence.  Three of them are related to motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety.  Motivation is about the personal drive or desire to learn the target language, while self-confidence is related to the learners’ belief or trust on their abilities to be successful in learning.  Anxiety means students’ nervousness or worry when they face something difficult or uncomfortable.  This paper deals with a study conducted to seek the differences between second language learners from Indonesia and Thailand in terms of motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety.  Participants were Indonesian and Thai students.  Twenty Indonesian students were taking an academic writing class in Semester Antara (Short Semester) of 2017-2018 Academic Year, at the English Language Education (ELE) Study Program of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW).  This course was offered in their third year of college.  Twenty-one Thai students were also taking an academic writing course in theirir third year.  One central question to be answered is: is there any difference between Indonesian and Thai students in terms of motivation, self-confidence, and self-esteem.  Data were mainly derived from open-ended questionnaires distributed to twenty students of Academic Writing class in the ELE study program, (Faculty of Language and Arts) FLA, UKSW Salatiga, Indonesia, and 21 students majoring in the English language from Huachiew Chalermprakiet University Thailand.  Findings showed that students from both countries were very much influenced by parental factors.

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Second-Language Learning for Students with Special Needs: Perceptions of Japanese Secondary School Teachers

Chris Carl Hale & Satoko Ono, Akita International University, Japan


This paper presents preliminary research into how Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) perceive their readiness in addressing the needs of students with learning disabilities, and what specific concerns they may have in ensuring a productive and healthy classroom learning environment for everyone. Using a qualitative, inductive research design, teacher perceptions were collected from open-ended questionnaires, which were then coded and analyzed. It was hoped that results could inform a needs analysis for teachers wishing to become more informed about learning disabilities and methods for best teaching these students.

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JALT Yokohama My Share 2018 [Special Issue]

Brett Milliner, Tamagawa University

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Foreword to the Special Issue

Brett Milliner, Tamagawa University


This Special Issue of Accents Asia is a selection of papers written by five of the presenters. Lucinda and Yusuke Okuyama review the use of the learning app, Edmodo® (edmodo.com) in EFL classrooms. Gota Hayashi introduces open-ended questions as a solution for promoting under-performing language learners’ self-regulation skills. Claire Bower introduces a novel approach to managing student-created vocabulary flashcards. Azusa Sato shares her review of the Intensive English Program at Ferris University (Yokohama, Japan).  And lastly, Samuel Gildart argues for greater emphasis on the teaching of culture in Business English classes.

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Using Edmodo as a Social Networking Platform to Enhance Students’ Emotional Connectedness to Learning

Lucinda Okuyama & Yusuke Okuyama


This paper seeks to investigate the roles of teacher and peer feedback that will facilitate revision in L2 writing instruction. Research suggests that revision is regarded as a vital stage of the entire process of writing and plays a key role to prompt L2 acquisition. Given this, writing teachers or researches have raised a growing concern about the use of teacher commentary and peer response for effective L2 learner revision. Although feedback differs in terms of types, approaches, effectiveness, goals or other aspects, it is extremely important that writing teachers make most use of teacher and peer feedback with a critical, analytical and evaluative view and sufficient understanding of the features for each feedback. The paper concludes that L2 learners will be able to foster self-revision skills and build their own autonomy in writing with the support of feedback during the interim phase of developing L2 writing skills.

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Asking Open-Ended Questions to Encourage Self-Regulation in EFL Learners at a Japanese University

Gota Hayashi


This paper seeks to investigate the roles of teacher and peer feedback that will facilitate revision in L2 writing instruction. Research suggests that revision is regarded as a vital stage of the entire process of writing and plays a key role to prompt L2 acquisition. Given this, writing teachers or researches have raised a growing concern about the use of teacher commentary and peer response for effective L2 learner revision. Although feedback differs in terms of types, approaches, effectiveness, goals or other aspects, it is extremely important that writing teachers make most use of teacher and peer feedback with a critical, analytical and evaluative view and sufficient understanding of the features for each feedback. The paper concludes that L2 learners will be able to foster self-revision skills and build their own autonomy in writing with the support of feedback during the interim phase of developing L2 writing skills.

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Using Cumulative Flashcards and Varied Practice to Increase Vocabulary Retention

Claire Bower

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A Students’ Survey of the Intensive English Course at Ferris University

Azusa Sato

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International Management and Culture in the EFL Environment

Samuel Gildart

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