Volume 12 Issue 2, June 2020
Yokohama JALT My Share 2019 [Special issue]
Brett Milliner
Less Is More: Academic Poster Design That Works
Samuel Bruce
Using Visual Prompts to Activate Student Learning in the Study of Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society
Keith Charles Hoy
A Foundation for Language Learning & Development
Jonathan Shepard
‘Edmodo’ as a Pervasive Learning Tool and how it Pertains to Formal, Informal and Social Learning Modalities in the EFL Classroom
Lucinda Okuyama, Yusuke Okuyama
Peer Assessment for Test Preparation in the Discussion Class
Brooks Slaybaugh
An Investigation of Student Motivation through Self-Regulated Video Performance
Rashad DuPaty
Strategies for Successful Language Acquisition and the Co-Development of a Reflective Practice Tool: A ‘Youth Participatory Approach’
Lucinda Okuyama, Yusuke Okuyama
This issue of Accents Asia is a selection of papers written by seven of the presenters. Samuel Bruce offers some very practical advice on how to design an effective academic poster. Keith Hoy examined the effectiveness of two visual prompts: timelines and visual metaphors, used to introduce an English-based content course focusing on contemporary cultural issues. Jon Shepard traces one language learner’s path to becoming a more successful student. Lucinda and Yusuke Okuyama consider the learning app, Edmodo® (edmodo.com) as a pervasive learning platform. Brooks Slaybaugh introduces peer-assessment as a way to improve in-class discussions. A series of performance-based activities targeting the enhancement of EFL students’ self-concept and sense of agency are described by Rashad DuPaty. And, in the final article, Lucinda and Yusuke Okuyama utilize a youth participatory evaluation approach to establish which strategies EFL students at the university level in Japan exercise to succeed in the classroom. The authors then worked with focus groups to co-create a reflective practice tool for maintaining learners’ focus on the effective learning strategies.